Friday, January 13, 2017

We've gone from walking to running!

At the start of this week you would have thought it was winter(!) but the last few days have been more like early summer; highs in the 70's to 80, no rain, clear skies, making for ideal construction conditions.

This week, most prominently, the house shell was wrapped with its Tyvek weather barrier, and as of this afternoon the last of the windows were being installed. The decking for the main level porches and porch posts are still in progress, as crews spend time on the higher priority areas needed to get the house sealed up against the elements.

Windows installed in future study/office area 

View from the southeast corner (rear) of the property. Starting to look like home!

Inside, foam insulation was sprayed throughout the attic and rim joists. With the underside of the roof deck and attic walls insulated, the entire attic space will be conditioned like a YETI cooler! This will protect the air conditioning ducts from the brutal South Carolina summer heat, allowing the system to operate most efficiently.

On a related note, today the HVAC contractor started installation of the metal boots for the heating and AC outlets and air returns.

Decking boards for the main-level porches are being installed as a prior to installation of the permanent porch posts. The post on the right in the photo is permanent, with the others being temporary supports.

This doesn't look like much, but it's one of four important "shear" walls inside that help ensure structural rigidity and protect against lateral forces like hurricane winds or seismic events.

"Are you sure?"

Finally, though it seems like a long time ago, earlier this week we more or less finalized electrical plans, plumbing fixture and gas line placement, and hired an interior designer to help with decision-making. We'll be meeting next week to create further confusion and stress help with design considerations, starting with lighting selections, kitchen and fireplace design, and many others areas to come. 

That's it for this week... enjoy!
Ron & Bonnie


  1. Oh my gosh! I can't wait to see it this already looks so much different! Oh, and I like your wit're clever :)
