Friday, March 24, 2017

Week 23 - Putting a lid on it!

This week we enjoyed some family time and meals out at two of Johns Island's popular adjective-plus-animal-name restaurants -- the Fat Hen, and Tattooed Moose. Both have great food in casual settings, located on wooded properties along Maybank Highway, one of the island's scenic main roads. Just down the street, a new restaurant called Krazy Owls opened this month, and is next on our to-do list!

Construction progress this week was good! The crew finished trimming out louvered walls on the ground level, worked out details on the rear staircase, made minor fixes here and there, and resumed painting at mid-week, despite some windy conditions. Paint work was focused on the upper half of the house, allowing for Thursday's start on the roofing without concern for possible paint overspray affecting the finish.

Galvanized metal roofing application is under way!

Galvanized metal is a durable, long-lasting traditional roofing material that is well suited to a coastal environment. We chose to leave the Galvalume aluminum-zinc coated roof in its natural silver finish to help reflect the radiant heat from the intense summer sun.  One potential downside to metal roofing is noise from falling rain (or worse, hail!), but we're hoping the spray foam insulation that lines the underside of the roof deck will help keep this in check!

One of the many little details that needed attention prior to drywall -- additional insulation under and surrounding the interior staircase

A picture of wind! It was pretty windy the first part of the week, and keeping doors shut was a challenge without any hardware to keep them closed!

As of this afternoon there was still a floor squeak or two that had to be eliminated around a truss that was relocated a few weeks back, and a couple of recessed lighting "cans" had to move a few inches in order to finalize prep for drywall, which will begin either on Saturday, or first thing next week.

Despite the few fix-up items that needed attention, this weekend inspection crew signed off on all the rough-ins last Sunday!

Turning to finishing details, we took receipt of our first piece of plumbing hardware; the filler for the master tub. Being floor-mounted it's actually a pretty complex install, and we wanted to have the option to install sooner rather than later. As it turns out, it will be later, once we have the tub on site, so the plumber can get everything aligned perfectly when cutting holes in the floor (and probably the ceiling below, for access).

This tub filler came packaged with each piece stored in a soft velvet-like travel bag(?)  Maybe a sign that too much was spent on plumbing fixtures, but we're not asking questions here! 

We've let our preliminary interior paint selections sink in for a couple weeks and we're about 98% sure this is the palette we'll be going with... we've found it's really difficult to get a true color reproduction on a computer screen, but let us know what you think, anyway!

Last, but certainly not least, coinciding with a series of organization changes at work, Ron formally announced (finally!) his intention to step down from his role at the end of the year!! Sounds like hedging, but more or less means retirement, but who knows??

Hope you enjoyed our update!

Ron & Bonnie

1 comment:

  1. As always, love the updates. Live the color pallet,my favorite color is the healing aloe. So at the animal restaurants are you trying anything ​out of the ordinary?
